
Mybizna modules are developed using the Laravel-modules package.

Laravel-modules is a popular package for Laravel that provides a modular architecture for creating web applications. It allows developers to create self-contained modules in Laravel. This package is developed and maintained by Nicolas Widart.

One benefit of using Laravel-modules is reusable code that can be installed or uninstalled without affecting the system . This makes it easy to manage and update each module separately.

Mybizna Module works with the following file structure by minimum.

  ├── Account/    
      ├── Classes/
         ├── Invoice.php    
         ├── Ledger.php                      
      ├── Entities/
          ├── Data/
              ├── Ledger.php          
              ├── Invoice.php          // Preset Data for ERP
          ├── Ledger.php              
          ├── Invoice.php              // Entity 
      ├── Events/
         ├── InvoicePaid.php     
      ├── Http/
         ├── Controllers/     
              ├── InvoiceController.php 
      ├── Listeners/
         ├── CoreSettingModified.php 
      ├── Providers/
         ├── EventServiceProvider.php    
      ├── Resources/  
              ├── admin/
                  ├── invoice/
                      ├── form.vue
                      ├── search.vue
                      ├── list.vue
      ├── Routes/
         ├── api.php   
         ├── web.php          
      ├── Tests/
      ├── composer.json
      ├── menus.json
      ├── module.json
      ├── README.json
      ├── right.php    
      ├── settings.php   
      ├── widgets.php        

It seems like you're listing the files and directories in your Laravel project named MyBizna. Here's a breakdown of what each of these typically represents in a Laravel project:

  1. Classes: This directory likely contains your custom PHP classes. In Laravel, these could include controllers, models, middleware, services, and other PHP classes that you've created for your application.

  2. Events: This directory might contain event classes. In Laravel, events are used to trigger actions or behavior in response to certain activities within your application.

  3. menus.php: This file could potentially contain configuration or data related to menus in your application. It might define the structure of your application's navigation menus.

  4. This is a Markdown file that typically serves as the entry point for your project's documentation. It provides an overview of the project, installation instructions, usage examples, and other important information.

  5. Routes: This directory contains route definitions for your application. In Laravel, routes define the URL endpoints and map them to controller actions or closures.

  6. widgets.php: This file might define configuration or data related to widgets in your application. It could specify the settings or properties of various widgets used in your application's user interface.

  7. composer.json: This file is the Composer configuration file for your project. It specifies the dependencies of your project and other metadata required by Composer, the PHP dependency manager.

  8. Http: This directory contains classes related to HTTP requests and responses, such as controllers, middleware, and form requests.

  9. module.json: This file could be a configuration file specific to a module within your Laravel application. It might define metadata, dependencies, or other settings related to the module.

  10. Resources: This directory typically contains non-PHP resources used by your application, such as views, assets (CSS, JavaScript), language files, and other static files.

  11. settings.php: This file might contain configuration settings for your application. It could define application-level settings, environment-specific configurations, or other global settings.

  12. Entities: This directory might contain entity classes, often used in the context of object-relational mapping (ORM) libraries like Eloquent in Laravel. Entities represent database tables or documents and encapsulate their behaviour and data.

  13. Listeners: This directory could contain event listener classes. In Laravel, event listeners are responsible for handling events and executing logic in response to those events.

  14. Providers: This directory contains service provider classes. Service providers are used to register bindings, event listeners, middleware, and other services with the Laravel service container.

  15. right.php: This file could contain configuration or data related to user permissions or access rights in your application. It might specify roles, permissions, or access control rules.

  16. Tests: This directory typically contains automated tests for your application, including unit tests, feature tests, and integration tests.

Note Entites is auto-migrated using the command or after the composer version is changed to a new version.

php artisan automigrator:migrate

Other module functions can be added as illustrated in

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